The security professional and sworn law enforcement officers need to be careful that they examine cell phones to make sure that they are really working phones. This can be done by X-ray and careful examination. What appears to be a normal cell phone could be a stun gun.
There are examples of such stun gun cell phones on eBay for as little as twenty dollars plus shipping and handling [1].
There are also cell phone cases that hold both a phone and a cylindrical pepper spray gun [2].
There are also four shot zip guns that are concealed in what appears to be a cell phone. Here is a video that demonstrates it [3].
There are so many good people that follow the rules and comply with security, that it is possible to become complacent about X-raying electronic devices and asking people to see their cell phones. However; it is very important to see that a cell phone could be a four shot zip gun, a stun gun, or have a place to hold a pepper spray gun.
There are also many toy cell phones that sell for a dollar online and can be given to children so that they don't take their parents' cell phone. These could be opened up and used to hide narcotics.