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2011 Conference Pics

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The 19th Annual IACSP Terrorism Trends & Forecasts Symposium was held on October 13, 2011, in Mahwah, New Jersey at the highly prestigious Bergen County Law & Public Safety Institute.

A responsive group of attendees from Law Enforcement, Government, Military and Corporate Security Directors and students attended.

Topics Included: The phenomenon of Radical Islam and the development of the mindset of Islamist Jihadists. Specific strategies to weaken and ultimately defeat this phenomenon were discussed. The role of the Ideology was addressed along with tactics to reform Islam. A focus on what has come to refer to as the "Immigration Enforcement Tripod" which, if properly implemented could address all of the deficiencies of the immigration system as well as address other components of the immigration system that are charged with the responsibility of enforcing and administering our nation's immigration laws. With the recent death of Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden, many are asking if the war or terror has been won. With an insiders knowledge of intelligence and national security, the future of terrorism, its goals and its worldwide attraction as a vehicle of change in the Islamic world was discussed.

A GPS navigation device could be taken from a terrorist suspect or from a motor vehicle, boat, or airplane. It could also be taken from the wreckage of a car that exploded. A GPS forensics program called Blackthorn 2 that can be used by law enforcement and intelligence agencies to extract and examine the trips that were programmed in a GPS navigation device was demonstrated. A discussion was presented to gain an understanding of the breadth of the security problems facing the maritime industry today and the training necessary to meet its challenges. A presentation was made on How to reduce security in the corporate and small business settings. The course of discussion was centered on building a security mindset in the work environment; writing policy, setting procedures, introducing access control, visitor management, proper lighting and CCTV applications.

The IACSP Conference in October of 2011 was a very good place to network with fellow academics, students, and a variety of security practitioners. There were also many great speakers such as Dr. Tawfik Hamid who discussed the mindset of the terrorist, and John O’Rourke CPP who discussed the best security practices to help defend a building from terrorists. Overall the conference offers something for everyone interested in counter terrorism and security. Eamon D

In my opinion, all the speakers were excellent and enriched my knowledge. Many of the topics were also relevant to emergency management, which I study as a graduate student. Ester

Call me over anxious, but I can't wait to attend next years conference because I enjoyed this years so much. The conference did meet and excel my expectations on the networking contacts I acquired, not to mention how educational it was. DP

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